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About Us                                        Our History

The first meeting to organize the church was held November 17, 1990 at the home of Elder and Sister Wallace. It was decided that service would be held in the garage beginning the following Sunday (November 18, 1990).  This was to be the temporary meeting place until a building could be found. 


In March 1991 the Charter of Incorporation was received. 


The property where the church is currently located (Wendell Street) was found.  After going through the zoning appeal process, it was approved for a church. The 30 members came up with the cash to buy the property.


The vision the Saints had for their church home was put on paper, and a plan was approved. In August 1991 the ground breaking ceremony was held. In September 1991 the foundation was laid to begin construction of the building. The Lord continued to bless, from the purchase of the property to the inspection of the completed building. 


The Saints all wanted to be in the building for their second anniversary, so they pulled together and did just that. On 14 November 1992 they marched from the garage to the Wendell Street location. 


Service was held in what became the church fellowship hall from November 1992 until June 1994.  During that time, Elder Wallace and the brothers spent many long hours in the heat and cold striving to finish the remainder of the building. In June 1994, the labor of their hands was blessed and the current sanctuary became the place of worship.


Additional property was purchased during 1997 to be used in expanding the work of the ministry. In 1998 the property next to the church was purchased. Additional seating for the sanctuary, classrooms, offices, and a larger fellowship hall were completed and dedicated in June 2003. Additional property behind the building was also purchased and used to enhance the work further. 


The Women and Men ministries were organized in 2004. In February 2005 Children’s Church (for ages 4 though 10) was begun. The Faith Deliverance Learning Center was opened in August 2005, and served the educational needs of children ages 2 through 5 in both the church and the community. 


In 2006 the name was changed from Faith Deliverance Apostolic Tabernacle to Faith Deliverance Apostolic Church. As the church grew, new groups/auxiliaries were born. Youth activities established include the Higher Praise Choir and the Expressions of Praise Liturgical Dance Group.  Also created was "Together Forever” Ministry, ordained for married couples. 


Outreach ministries were active at Tara At Thunderbolt Nursing & Rehabilitation Center; Greenbriar Children’s Center and Meals on Wheels.


God continues to manifest Himself, and to do marvellous things for Faith Deliverance Apostolic Church. 

                   Bishop Charles &
           First Lady Beatrice Wallace,
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